Sunday, February 5, 2012

Think Positive!

There seem to be only two ways to view Valentine's Day: wonderfully because you have a significant other or like it's the worst day in the world because you are single. But I think that's a horrible way to view it! Being single doesn't mean that Valentine's Day needs to be torturous. I LOVE Valentine's Day... and yes, I'm single.

What could I possibly love?
1. Cards! After working at Hallmark for so long, I think Valentine's Day cards are the best. 
2. Decorations! The reds and pinks. The hearts. The flowers. They make me happy!
3. Candy... duh. 
4. Exchanging cards and candy with girls in my hall. We did this last year and I loved it, so I already bought cards and candy for this year too!
5. Girl's Night with my other single girl friends. 
6. Spending some time to celebrate me! Last year, I went out for a 6 mile run as my gift to myself on Valentine's Day. It reminded me that I'm strong and can do anything! 

Yesterday at work, I was talking to this 80-year-old lady who was telling me that she had been single for 37 years now after getting divorced. And instead of complaining, she was saying how great it was! Every day, she can do whatever she wants to do because her life is all about her- not taking care of someone else. She said that she keeps busy by going out with friends. She goes to yoga and strength classes. She goes shopping. She doesn't have to cook 3 meals a day for a husband. And she doesn't have to worry about fitting in everything, because all of her time is hers. 

At a time when I'm worrying about being single, this really opened my eyes! No, I don't think being single is a bad thing. But it worries me when girls my age are getting engaged or are in serious relationships- and I'm not. 

Being single gives me time to do things that are important to me. So instead of dreading Valentine's Day and thinking about all of my past relationships that went wrong/ended suddenly, I'm going to have a wonderful Valentine's Day. 

I'm going to be the one person that doesn't fit into the stereotype of being single and hating Valentine's Day. Just wait and see :)

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