Monday, April 16, 2012


I realized this picture would have been perfect for yesterday- I was so grateful for my good day yesterday, even though it was rainy and gross out.

And I was grateful for today too! Even though I have so much on my plate and I can't wait for the semester to be over, I loved every minute of today. All of my classes and meetings with peers that I'm close to made me realize how much I love my day to day life at TCU.

Also, during my DC class today, 3 girls came in to tell us about their experience in DC last semester! Although I find that most students point out mainly negative things, one girl was so positive that she made me more excited for next semester than I've ever been. She said that yes, bad things happen. But the experience overall was unlike anything else and simply working hard, meeting people, and enjoying the experience will make next semester awesome!

I've also given up social media (besides blogging, tweeting my blog posts, and checking FB for messages) for the week. That may sound like a lot of exceptions to you, but the only thing that takes time is writing a blog post. Tweeting it takes 2 seconds and checking FB messages takes 3 seconds. So I'm cutting down on internet time drastically- and it has freed up so much time today already!

Although I feel a little bit out of the loop, it's been a great feeling to know that I'm not wasting time online. And I'm getting a lot done too.

Hope y'all had a happy Monday and enjoy the rest of your night!

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