Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuition Increases Suck. Just being honest.

This morning, I got an email from TCU's Chancellor saying that tuition will increase by 6.5 percent this year, after an 8% increase from last year. Here's the email:

Dear TCU Family:

Now more than ever, our nation and world need well-educated, ethical leaders and critical thinkers — the individuals who can solve today’s problems and respond to coming challenges we cannot even imagine.  At Texas Christian University, we are equipping your student to take on these roles. 
In our current environment, adaptability is key, both for our graduates and the University. We continue to innovate, improve the quality of a TCU education and boost the value of a TCU degree.
When you entrusted us to educate your student, you issued a mandate that we make every effort to provide an unparalleled university experience. This requires ongoing, targeted investments, including hiring new faculty, increasing financial aid and upgrading facilities, technology and academic programs. Student services also have been strengthened, with new staff positions in Career Services, the Health and Counseling Center, Campus Life and Academic Support.
Consequently, our Trustees last week voted to increase tuition for full-time undergraduates by 6.5 percent to $34,500 for the 2012-2013 academic year*.  Overall financial aid also will increase by 6.5 percent.
Keeping TCU accessible is among our highest priorities.  We know the lagging economy is impacting many TCU families, and we have strengthened our focus on scholarships and financial aid.  Over five years, we have increased overall undergraduate financial aid by some 60 percent to $78.5 million. Through The Campaign for TCU we are committed to raising $100 million for scholarships by May 2012, and about $90 million already has been contributed toward this total.  
To learn more about scholarships and other financial aid available at TCU, please visit our website at www.financialaid.tcu.edu, or call 817-257-7858 (Tarrant County) or 1-800-TCU-FROG (outside of Tarrant County) or contact us by email at financialaid@tcu.edu.
For our students and families, employability is a critical issue. We have made major investments in TCU Career Services, including four new staff members this year, bringing the total to 18, as well as space to conduct practice interviews and increase contacts with employers — a total of more than 1,000 with more than 300 recruiting on campus during fall semester alone. 
We are ever mindful of your investment in your student’s education and are committed to providing a world-class, values-centered university experience.  Please contact me should you have any concerns.

Sincerely yours,

Victor J. Boschini, Jr., Chancellor

*Part-time undergraduate students taking between 1-8 hours will pay $1,200 per hour; those taking between 9-11 hours will pay $1,455 per hour. 

Now #OccupySadler is trending on Twitter with TCU students. We don't want to pay more! We are paying as much as Ivy League schools. 

I basically feel like I'm paying for the name of TCU now instead of the education. I liked going to a lesser known school with great academics. Now we are a big name because of our football team, everyone wants to go here, and tuition is increasing. 

I guess you can't have it both ways. Or have your cake and eat it too. Whatever phrase you like more. 

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