Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I really do apologize

I am getting really bad about blogging on the weekends and I'm sorry! I will become better, I promise.

This was Halloweekend! Basically, party, party, party all weekend for college kids.

On Friday night I went to the TCU v BYU football game at Cowboys Stadium. It was a great game and the Horned Frogs won, of course! Cowboys Stadium was huge and I couldn't believe how big the jumbotron was.

 Pictures really don't do it justice. I found myself watching the screen instead of the actual game multiple times, even though I was only 15 rows away from the field.

On Saturday night I did typically Halloween stuff, like dressing up and going out with friends. I had a blast, even though my costume was the same as half of the other girls (I was an 80's girl). 

But 80's girl is a really easy costume to do if you don't have a costume! Just need some leggings, a baggy shirts, bright make-up, and a side pony. 

Sunday was study, study, study. But yesterday was Halloween and I watched Hocus Pocus will some girls from my dorm. I love that movie and must watch it every year. 

By dog is named after the black cat in the movie, Zacahary Binx. And last night I realized that we should have named our little girl dog Emily, after the sister of Zachary Binx in the movie!

These are my dogs in the suitcase. That sounds cruel, but they really just wanted to go on my trip with me! Zachary is on the left and Daisy is on the right. It's a little too late to change her name now, I think she would get confused. 

How was y'all's Halloweekend? And traditions? Or fun activities?

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