Monday, November 28, 2011

Back from Break!

Sorry it's been so long y'all! I left early Wednesday morning for the DFW Airport to catch my flight back home. And I didn't bring my laptop. I figured it was only a few days and it's too heavy to carry around if I don't need it. Plus I thought I could use the computer at home, until I realized how slow the internet is there.

So no blogs for a while. But I'm back now! And I promise I'll blog during winter break! School break does not equal blogging break.

Anyways, my Thanksgiving Break was awesome! It was nice to spend time with friends and family.

On Wednesday, I just hung out with my mom after she picked me up from the airport. We had a huge baking party! We made all of our pies, breads, and other desserts. Yummy!

That night, we had a bunch of family friends over for dinner, which was a lot of fun. Then I went running and played soccer to burn off some of those calories. I tend to eat a lot when I get home-cooking.

On Thanksgiving morning, my family and I ran the Turkey Trot. We do this every year and it's awesome! There are mud puddles to run through and hay bales to jump over. I got a time of 27:10. Not very good compared to how I used to run, but I was still happy! I came in the top 200!

Thanksgiving Day was pretty quiet. And so was the rest of the weekend. Just relaxed and spent time with people. No Black Friday shopping for my family this year. We did some online shopping (I bought something, I'll tell you about it later!), but no in store shopping. Too crazy and we didn't need anything!

The weekend went by way to fast, but only 8 more days of classes, including today. Then 2 study days, and the week of finals. 3 weeks until another break! Time to get down and dirty with the studying.

Hope y'all had wonderful weekends too!

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