Thursday, January 19, 2012

Woo hoo!

I woke up early this morning to some beautiful news. Rick Perry has dropped out of the race for presidency.  I was not a fan of how he handled issues and just how he tried to get publicity. So needless to say, I'm happy to know that the Republican group of candidates is slowly dwindling. Whoever is going to run against Obama needs to be a responsible and reliable candidate. In order for it to be a fair and even race, the strongest Republican must win the primary. And this is important for people to have a good choice. We don't want Americans voting for one person just because they think that candidate is the lesser of two evils. We want Americans to vote for someone who will do what they say they will do and will make some needed changes in this country!

Courtesy of

Anyways, after that I bought my textbooks, went for a run at Trinity Park and went shopping. With a tall skinny mocha from Starbucks. Yum! I needed to return/exchange some clothes, so of course I needed a little caffeine and a walk around Target, since I was in the area. Such a good morning!

Courtesy of Midtown Village Blog

Today has went by fast! Had a long lunch with a close friend, which was so nice. But the cafeteria was extremely full. So many new students are coming to TCU and some of our facilities are just not big enough anymore. I'm thinking that at this rate, TCU will be a lot bigger in 5 years. 

Last piece of news for this post, but this is sad news. X-Games skier Sarah Burke died today. It's scary how many people can die from these sports. She took a fall in practice last week and was in a coma. Today, she passed. But a great thing about this story is that she donated all of her organs. Although bad things happen to many people, it's possible to help so many more people if you are an organ donor! She probably saved quite a few lives. She deserves a big thank you for signing up to be an organ donor and her family deserves thanks for following her wishes. 

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