Saturday, January 14, 2012

Running Nerd For Life

Yes, I think I will always be a running nerd. Running has just been a HUGE part of my life for as long as I can remember. My dad ran marathons, my brother was a state champion in high school, and my sister and I ran in high school too. We also did 5ks a lot, just for fun.

So this morning, in honor of the Houston Marathon Trials (and just because I wanted to run), I woke up and went to Trinity Park to run. There were so many people there and it made me happy!

There was a race going on too and I kept passing all of the racers. I guess I was running a lot faster than I realized.

But anyways, when I got back, I checked the Houston 2012 results!

They were crazy! The two people predicted to win both came in second! Desiree Davila and Ryan Hall. Both Americans that were going to win. But Desiree lost by 17 seconds and Ryan Hall lost by 22 seconds. So close!

But congratulations to the winners, Meb Keflezighi and Shalane Flanagan! It's odd because they were both minutes slower than Davila and Hall in their qualifying times. But that just shows that anything can happen in running! Someone might have a bad day or someone may have just prepared a little bit more. You never know.

Anyways, here is the list of who is going to London 2012!

Men: Meb, Halland Abdi Abdirahman
Women: Shalana, Desi, and Kara Goucher
Alternate: Dathan Ritzenhein and Amy Hastings

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