Monday, April 23, 2012

Count the good things

Aww what good advice!
Today was much better than expected and hopefully the rest of the week will be that way too! Classes went by quickly, meetings flew by, I had dinner with friends, I went to Zumba, and I worked out for an hour at the Rec while watching The Voice. Ah-mazing. Definitely counting my rainbows today.

I don't normally watch tv, mainly because I don't have one. I'll watch certain shows on Hulu and sometimes I'll watch something random if I'm on a machine at the Rec, but nothing other than that. But tonight I saw that The Voice was on. My family watches it and I watched it a few times with them over the summer. I like the set-up of the show and there are so many amazing singers!

Tonight was the quarterfinals and the judges also performed with their groups! I saw Cee Lo perform with his own band too, which was kind of weird, but awesome!

But by far, the best performance that I saw was the guy who sang Hit Me Baby One More Time. From what I gathered, this guy was in the Mickey Mouse Club with Cristina and the gang and now is on her show! He always does rock songs, I guess, and Cristina pointed that out, so today he did a Britney song. I was astonished by how he changed this song into something that fit his voice and the clapping afterwards was never-ending.

Anyways, that guy has a lot of rainbows to count tonight too :) Isn't that quote adorable? I found it on Pinterest and I liked it.

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