Friday, December 23, 2011

Break Time

I had the past two days off of work, which was really nice. I got a lot done!

Yesterday, I started my day early. I woke up, took the dogs for a walk and then did my own 45 minute run. The cold weather made it hard to breathe at first, but I felt good and went at a great pace. I really want to get back into running like I used to.

Then, I went shopping with my Mom. Employee Appreciation day at Hallmark, so I got 50% off of everything I needed! I finished my Christmas shopping, so I'm happy about that. I also went to Bookmans and got 3 books to read during my free time. I love reading, so I do it a lot when I don't have a lot of reading for class. And my books were free since I traded in store credit! My family trades in a lot of books, so we get a lot for free in return :)

Then I picked up my dad from the airport, but it took 30 minutes for his luggage to come! Needless to say, we weren't happy about having to wait that long. We got home and had a nice family dinner. Then I spent time with some friends, but it wasn't the greatest.

Don't you hate when people keep asking you about stuff that you don't want to talk about? Even when you try to change the subject? Well that's what last night was.

Today I got my hair cut! It's all gone- well not all. But it's a lot shorter and I have bangs and I love it! I also got an eye exam. I always have to make appointments and get stuff like this done when I'm home.

Also, I did all of my holiday baking this morning and gave away the cookies. I made the coolest snicker doodles in a spiral shape- awesome!

Tomorrow is finally Christmas Eve! And I have to work an 8 hour shift at work, which I'm sure will be loads of fun :p At least I'm making money though!

Sorry about the long update, but I don't get on my computer as often when I'm at home. Well sometimes I don't get on at all. But I really am trying to be better!

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