Thursday, September 29, 2011

Think about it

"It is an evident fact that most people cling hard enough to life to be willing to endure a great amount of suffering, which implies that life has in it a sort of healthy happiness and a natural quality of pleasure."

Water Aerobics

It was so much fun! But I didn't notice how hard it was when I was doing it. After I got out of the pool, I was shaking and had to go eat right away.

Weird how I can run forever, but being in the pool for 50 minutes tires me out more.

I'm an old lady and I don't care!


Yes, I love water aerobics. And I am going to a class soon. So soon.

My sister and I would go to water aerobics classes when I lived back home and it was always old ladies. But it's so much fun!

All the old ladies would talk about how nice it was to see young people there.

I don't know if it will be like that here, considering it's on a college campus. But I'll let you know!


I think I'm going to start putting up some quotes once a week. I love quotes and I enjoy sharing them with y'all!

"Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

This quote is definitely a good one to remember! Every time I make a mistake, I kick myself for it and feel bad for possibly the rest of the day. And considering we all make mistakes quote often, this has a really negative impact on my life. 

So move on! If you do the best you can every day, then you have accomplished something. Everyone else is ok when you make a mistake, so why can't you be ok too?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

We have to be attractive for this job

Today we watched and discussed our news anchor segments that we taped in class on Monday. Surprisingly, mine wasn't too bad, which I'm happy about! 

It was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Considering all I am doing is reading my own writing off of a teleprompter in front of a camera, it seemed simple to me. And it's what I want to do. 

Anyways, today as we were discussing them, everyone in the class was really hard on themselves. We all criticized ourselves so much! 

But then my professor said that  we should be proud of ourselves, mainly because of course all of us are attractive, verbal, and outgoing enough to do this job. 

Attractive? I never thought of my future career that way! It made me laugh because I don't consider myself particularly attractive, but apparently my professor thinks all of us are!

Well, hopefully my future viewers will think I am attractive enough to actually watch me on the news :)

Class cancelled!

My first class of the day was cancelled.

Most people would be happy about that, but I was a little upset. She didn't email us until an hour before the class to let us know and I don't check my email before class in the morning.

So I walked all the way to class (really only a 10 minute walk, maybe less) and found out that class was cancelled when I got there.

I ended up going to the library to study, but I could have done so many other things had I have known class was cancelled!

Things I could have done:
1. Sleep in
2. Work out for longer (I woke up at 7 to go running)

Actually, those are the only two things I probably would have done. Oh well.

What do y'all do when something you planned on going to gets cancelled?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tour of TCU

Tonight, I went on a tour of TCU with Dr. Pitcock and a bunch of students from the JVR Honors College. Now why would we want a tour when we already know our way around TCU? Well, this was a tour into the past.

We went around to some different buildings on campus, learning what they used to be and what campus used to look like. Needless to say, it was so much different than it is now! TCU is already a small school, but the campus began with just 4 buildings.

Old TCU, when pastures and dirt surrounded everything. 

TCU Administration Building (now Reed), and Jarvis to the right, a girl's dorm. 

Administration Building again and Clark, left, a boy's dorm. 

Now Sadler is the administration building, Jarvis is the music building, Clark is still a dorm, and the TCU administration building is Reed, an academic building. And those are only a few changes, based off of the first TCU. So much else has changed that it is simply mind-blowing to think about TCU decades or even five years ago!


This weekend, I saw the movie Abduction with my dad. At first, I was really surprised that he wanted to see it. I mean, it's Taylor Lautner. I have never seen or read Twilight... I'm actually firmly against doing any of those things. But I decided, what the heck? Let's see Abduction!

It was actually really good! I like the plot line because it had a little bit of everything- action, love story, family problems. And although I thought the whole movie was going to be about Taylor's abs, he only took off his shirt once. Once!

I would definitely recommend this movie. It's a little different than what the trailer implies, but it's still great!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Best weekend of the semester yet!

Sorry I didn't write all weekend... I really need to get better about blogging! But this weekend was crazy for me!

This past weekend was TCU's Family Weekend, so my dad came out to visit me. He got in late Thursday night and didn't leave until late last night, so my weekend was packed!

It was so much fun! So many college kids don't enjoy having their parents in town because they can't drink and party all weekend. I love it, on the other hand. 

Reasons why my weekend was awesome:
1. Got to stay in a hotel all weekend. And eat hotel breakfast before going to class on Friday morning. With amazing hotel coffee. 
2. Went to a bar on Friday night with my dad, called Pete's Dueling Piano Bar. Normally, you have to be 21 to get in, but you can get in with a parent if you are 18. It was so much fun- definitely going back when I turn 21!
3. Good eating all weekend. Steak N' Shake, The Flying Fish, Starbucks... yum!
4. Win for TCU against Portland State!
5. Watching TV at the hotel because I don't have a TV at school.... and Friends was on Saturday night!
6. 5k on Sunday morning. I love running with my dad and he really cheers up everyone around him. 
7. Went to the movies! I never go to the movies anymore. Too expensive for college kids. 
8. I just love spending time with my family in general!

Anyways, that's enough for now. I'll tell y'all more later. Have a great night!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Soooo tired

Funny how when I sleep in, I feel more tired in the morning. Also have no motivation to work out, too much homework to do, and not enough time in the day.

What do y'all do to motivate yourselves?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Keep your head up

Such an inspiring song! Go listen to it if you are having a tough day, a long week, or just need a little encouragement. 

Best Time of Day

So this is the first time today that I've had a chance to get on my computer to blog. But I've been up since 5:45! I've been waking up early to work out and it's hard to actually get out of bed.

It's so worth it though, because I get to witness the beautiful sunrise, when half the sky is dark and the other half is just starting to light up. The yellow/orange of the sky is simply amazing.

 Picture of sunrise in Dallas from Google.

Y'all should wake up early sometime to see it!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Yay for To-Do Lists!

On Tuesdays and Thursday I don't have class, which I hated at the beginning of the school year. But I love it now. There is so much time to get things done on my to-do list!

Just by 12 p.m. today I:
1. Worked out
2. Read 3 chapters in one of my textbooks
3. Ate breakfast
4. Did laundry
5. Finally blew up my exercise ball
6. Called people I need to interview for a story I'm doing for the109
7. Cleaned my room

What can I say? Once I get going on a to-do list, there is no stopping me!

What do y'all do when you have lots of free time?

You are stronger than you believe

"Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. " -A.A. Milne

Christopher Robin said this to Pooh. I love this quote for two reasons:

1. It helps me whenever I'm having a difficult day. People always seem to put themselves down, instead of realizing how amazing they truly are. 

2. It helped me today when I was running (surprising? I think so.). I am definitely not in as good of shape as I was when I ran cross country and track in high school. And it's actually hard for me to  motivate myself to run faster, without an entire team pushing me along. 

But today, when I was at the rec center running, I just kept bumping up the speed. I went faster than I had ran in a long long long time. I did it though! I was a lot stronger than I seemed. 

So basically what I'm trying to say is, be your best. Push yourself to be that absolute best. And don't let yourself or anyone else say you can't do anything. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

One more thing...

Ok, another thing I wanted to say today. Sometimes it is better to not go to things, rather than go to them out of obligation.

For example, when you go to volunteer, church, family dinner, or things similar to those, you don't have to go.  But when you go out of obligation, you ruin it for everyone else by being grumpy.

So go because you want to! Get pumped up before you go or remember all the reasons why you've loved going before.

Just something to think about :)

Quote of the Day

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have."

Sometimes I forget how truly great my school is. I get caught up in school work, organizations, working out, and everything else. I need to take some time to walk slowly, notice the beauty, and realize how happy I am here. 

Here are some pictures of my beautiful campus, courtesy of a school website :)

Our campus commons.

My dorm

Beautiful flowers, which are planted all over campus. 

What do y'all notice when you take the time to walk slowly?

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Weekend update!

This weekend was awesome! But in an ironic way...

It finally rained on Friday night! Texas has been waiting for rain for so long and it finally happened. But it happened on pledge retreat night for APO, which is the co-ed service fraternity that I recently got inducted into. And for our pledge retreat, we had a photo scavenger hunt in downtown Fort Worth. APO does this every year and I've heard about how awesome it is. Well, it was awesome... besides the fact that it was pouring rain the whole time and we were outside.

The rain almost made it more intense though! Every team was running around trying to beat everyone else, but it was slippery and a little dangerous. Some of the pictures we took we just hysterical. We had to kiss a barista,  do an Abbey Road picture, dress up as cowboys (which is really easy to do in Texas), pose with a street performer, and much more. I am embarrassed by the pictures because I am soaking wet and look terrible in all of them! But I have to admit they were funny. And my team came in 3rd place!

The worst part was that after, we went to dinner and had to sit in the restaurant for 2 hours. I was extremely cold and it took 2 days for my clothes to dry. Luckily, I did not get sick... it's a miracle!

On Saturday, we had our first home football game. Go frogs! It was cloudy and windy when I got ready for the game, so I wore pants and a cute one shoulder purple top. The second we got to the game, the sun came out and it was burning outside! Needless to say, due to my lack of sunscreen, the sun, and my odd shirt, I have a very bad and strange looking sunburn. Lesson learned.

But we won the game! Wasn't the greatest game, but a win is a win.

After, we went to Joe T. Garcias for dinner. It was delicious! Joe T.'s is a very popular restaurant here in Fort Worth and it is always crazy busy. They also only have 2 menu items- fajitas and enchiladas. This was my first time, but it was awesome! So much food and a great environment. Definitely recommend it!

Anyways, that's the exciting part of my weekend! What did y'all do?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

New Blog!!

So I will admit that I am not entirely new to blogging. I actually made my own website last year and have a blog on there. But I decided today that I want an actual blog, not just a page on my website where I write down random stuff. 

Hopefully someone will like my blog (or a few someones!). I always think that I am writing to nobody, which I bet is how all bloggers feel at first. So let me know if you read my blog! And I'll make sure to check out some blogs along the way... although I already follow quite a few food blogs haha. 

And I'm not sure about the title for my blog yet, but it does mean something to me. I like to try to see the beautiful part in each day. Even when I'm stressed because of classes or missing my family or just down for some reason, I look for the positive side. How else will we get through?

"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." ~Winston Churchill

So check back in soon! Have a wonderful day :)